At Cardinal we believe that a quality community starts with an effective board. Knowledgeable association boards are the backbone of successful, thriving communities. Throughout the year, we host courses free of charge at our office to assist you in carrying out your duties as a volunteer director and support the CLTP courses offered by CAI-OCRCs Education Committee.
Learn the "Do's" and "Don'ts" of a Board Meeting with the Mock Board Meeting CLTP Bonus Course offered at the CAI-OCRC office in Santa Ana.
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This class will focus on WHEN and HOW to successfully amend or restate the governing documents and provide tips for recommended language.
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Learn the facts of common myths and topics related to recurring HOA matters including topics relating to election of directors, IDR, ADA matters, workers compensation insurance, and view protection, just to name a few.
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This class will focus on short-term and long-term planning, including funding for capital improvements, investment needs and strategies to build reserves and anticipating and planning assessment increases.
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Learn how to develop Committees, solicit volunteers, and engage with Committee Members in an effort to groom future Board Members. Also, get the community involved with social activities.
Sign Up HERE